Vicky Korakaki

January 16 – February 14, 2009

Viki Korakaki deals with the conception of life and the shaping of the process in the primary stage, whether it develops smoothly or is interrupted. The existence of life in life, the sacred symbol, the Matrix, where the function of the process of stay-waiting is automatic, predetermined, deleted from the beginning of the world. A force that grows up protected but also trapped in the circle and seeks to be liberated, to make the heroic exit, to crush the body and to defeat death.

Any external intervention, unintentional or not, is fatal, overturns the law of procedure. The red line intersects the circle and penetrates violently into the dark abyss. The completion of the miracle is interrupted unpredictably, the result is immediate, fatal and irreversible, a tragic event. […]

Viki Korakaki works patiently, without spending on vanity and unbridled youthful impressions, honestly detecting her limits and acting consistently towards her work.

says Maria Vogiatzis, Art Historian.

While Emmanuel Mavromatis, Emeritus Professor of AUTh. notes

Viki Korakaki’s work is initially organized, during its overall perspective construction, as a system of contrasts. The contrasts are defined by two fixed axes and these will be the inside and the outside, the surrounding and the environment, but they will also be their respective projections in successive symbolic contrasts of each other, coming from the daily experience and the observations common to all the controversies of the life cycle, that is, of the succession of life from death. Thus the work initially operates on two levels, the real and the referral. […] How the work of art will not be a pretense, (ie the history of origin as an artistic object of elaboration itself), but will be the internal – will be the intuitive – search for an experience of origin as a flash, as an experience of life, is the poetic dimension of this work.




Viki Korakaki


He was born in Veria. He lives and works in Thessaloniki.

In 2003 he was admitted to the School of Fine Arts of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the Department of Fine and Applied Arts with responsible professors G. Tsakiris and K. Mortarakos. He graduated in 2008.

team assignments

2008 French Institute, alumni exhibition of the School of Fine Arts of AUTh.

2008 Gallery Papatzikou. A4, Veria.

2008 Gallery Artis Causa, Thessaloniki

2008 Gallery FIZZ, Athens